The Founder
Adelyn Lim is an entrepreneur, corporate rainmaker and strategic leader who drives creative innovation across several industry domains including event management, advertising, brand promotion and magazine media.
As founding manager of her own events company, CreatiVision, she has been profiled on numerous news outlets and is considered a media personality in her own right. She has led CreatiVision beyond commercial success to become a potent force for community empowerment.
The company holds a Guinness World Record for building the world’s largest Bean Art through the coordinated efforts of 500 art students and volunteers.
A compassionate philanthropist, Adelyn is also the founder of Rainbow of Life Forces (ROLF), an influential grassroots campaign that mobilizes resources towards the aid of marginalized children and children in distress. Her current endeavor is to bring the concept of active ageing into mainstream culture and to spark a health and fitness revolution for seniors in their post-50s.

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep street so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say: Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Not only CreatiVision has sailed through the last 30 years in the entertainment and event business successfully, but also without experiencing any major hiccups. I think it’s because we are simply focused on what we do. We believe in “positioning” as that philosophy sets a roadmap that guides us through the journey, enhances the creative vision and firms up our brand identity.
If you requested me to define entertainment and event business, I will explain it in one sentence: It is a business based on human relationships and trust. Event business is not only about stage shows and festivities, but it also involves interactive processes among those who perform, who organize, who sponsor and those who watch and buy. They depend on one another for their survival and existence. Of course, you must have professional and technical skills, profound knowledge, and strong network to run the activities. Also, you need passion and intuitions to make every event spirited.
The most valuable assets of CreatiVision are my fellow directors, staff, a satellite of supporting associates and partners. The directors and staff are the most energetic people that I have met. Their loyalty to the company forms the strongest foundation for the organization. We run the company like the much quoted, but least achieved, “one big happy family” and that usually extends to our partners and associates.
What sustains our position in the marketplace?
Creativity and self-belief, not pride.
What makes our people move towards the same direction?
Enthusiasm, passion and mutual respect.
What makes our clients stay close with us for such a long time?
I would say it is trust, sincerity and honest relationships.
Everyday, we evolve and grow but we stay focused on what we do. We want to be undeniably good, to be so good that no one can ignore us.
We are putting our hearts and souls together to cultivate the seed of our vision and belief.
Yours, Adelyn Lim